Hearing The Voice of God
The teaching here this morning is something you must allow your external ear and you internal ear to listen to very carefully. Let me be honest with you, this is one of the most important teachings you’re ever going to get. You may not get someone to explain this very well to you again. That’s why it’s good to listen carefully. May the Lord open your understanding in Jesus’s name.
So, this is not a preaching session – this is a teaching session, so pardon me if I’m a bit sluggish. It’s because I want you to understand what I’m saying. I won’t assume anyone knows anything, so I’m going to start from scratch so you can understand what is going on. And it’s a good thing to get to that level where you can hear God clearly. It will not only help your life – it will help your family, it will help your calling, and one day, it may save you from danger, if you know how to hear the voice of the Lord.
A man of God entered into an aircraft. As he put his luggage on top, he sat down to pray, his normal practice anytime he was travelling. He will sit down and talk to the Lord – “Father, I commit this flight unto Your holy hands”, blah blah blah blah, he prays. As he was praying that prayer, to commit the flight into the hands of God, all of a sudden, he heard the word ‘Blood’. ‘Blood’. He looked around, didn’t see anybody talking. He was a man who knew how to hear from God. He just calmly stood up, took his briefcase, and started to walk out of the plane. The air hostesses said, ‘Where are you going?” The man said, “i’m not travelling in this plane anymore.” They said “But why? Where are you going? You have to stay! Okay, you’ll lose your money!” He said “Let me lose my money.” He got down from that aircraft. The aircraft, 20 minutes after takeoff, crashed into the river. Everybody died. They even wrote his name, that he died, not knowing that he had walked out of the place.
You need to be able to hear from God. I was in the United Kingdom. It was a counselling session. I was hearing some argument outside between a woman and her daughter. The daughter was asking the mother, “This man we’re going to see, can he see?” The woman said, “Yes, he can see.” She said, “I don’t want to see him.” The mother said, “You must see him, that’s why we came all the way. We flew all the way here, you must see him.” She said “If he can see, I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to see him.” The mother said “You must see him.” Anyway, they dragged themselves inside, still arguing. And I said “What’s the matter?” She said “She doesn’t know whether you can see or you cannot see. If you can see, she doesn’t want to see you.” I now said “Okay, uh, Mummy, can you walk out a little bit? Leave her and I alone.” Immediately Mummy walked out, the Lord said “Son, this girl has been sleeping with her father.” I now said, “You are sleeping with Daddy.” She said “You see? I told Mummy that I don’t want to come here. I don’t want to come here.” But I couldn’t share it with the mother, because the home will break. So I had to counsel her, and pray for her.
So if you are a man of God, a woman of God, and you cannot hear from God, your ministry cannot grow. You will be a mediocre pastor, or at most, you are just trying to succeed. So this is why I said you have to listen very carefully. Revelations 3:20. It says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and sup with him, and he with Me.” I’m telling you that God is always at the door of our hearts, knocking, knocking, knocking. If you hear it, it becomes your friend.
The first major point is this: The most important need of any serious child of God is hearing clearly from God. When you begin to hear God, progress begins in your life. Beloved, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brothers and sisters, it is a great period in your life the day you learn to hear God’s voice clearly, plainly, on a daily basis. But hearing from God does not come automatically. It’s not automatic. Why? Because the nature we inherited from Adam was born deaf to the voice of God. The adamic nature was born deaf to the voice of God. Therefore, for most of us, hearing from God has to be learned. You have to learn it, the way you learn to drive, the way you learn new language, you learn it. As a matter of fact, the key to all the blessings of God is hearing and obeying God.
You know that popular song:
Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord, and he said: Here am I, send me.
Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord, and he said: Here am I, send me.
Here am I, send me, anywhere, for You.
Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord, and he said: Here am I, send me.