How God Speaks

Dr. Daniel Olukoya . Series 02 . 13:06

In what ways does God speak to man?

Number 1: By dreams. The Bible is very clear that God speaks to people through dreams. Joseph #1, in the book of Genesis, dreamt about his future, long long before he attained that future. God showed him destiny dreams. I’m praying for the young people that are here, all the young people, may you have destiny dreams in the name of Jesus. May God show you your future in the mighty name of Jesus. So Joseph was in a dream. He had his destiny dream, that’s Joseph #1. Joseph of Genesis, the one that was thrown into the pit. Joseph #2, the father of Jesus Christ, was in a dream. The angel said “Your wife Mary has a baby, so go there,” blah blah blah, so God spoke to him in a dream. So tIn what ways does God speak to man? Number 1: By dreams. The Bible is very clear that God speaks to people through dreams. Joseph #1, in the book of Genesis, dreamt about his future, long long before he attained that future. God showed him destiny dreams. I’m praying for the young people that are here, all the young people, may you have destiny dreams in the name of Jesus. May God show you your future in the mighty name of Jesus. So Joseph was in a dream. He had his destiny dream, that’s Joseph #1. Joseph of Genesis, the one that was thrown into the pit. Joseph #2, the father of Jesus Christ, was in a dream. The angel said “Your wife Mary has a baby, so go there,” blah blah blah, so God spoke to him in a dream. So there are hundreds of passages in the Bible that talks about God communicating through dreams. May your dreams become prophetic dreams in the name of Jesus.

Number 2: God communicates through what they call visions. And when you talk about visions – you know, the Bible says “Your young men shall see visions.” So if you’re a young man here, you’re supposed to be seeing visions. If you’re not seeing it, something is wrong somewhere. Perhaps if you’re not seeing it, you should drastically reduce the time you spend of Facebook, and spend more time with Jesus, so that you can be more serious with your future. You cannot allow the invention of another man to put your destiny on hold. Because all those things that you’re watching, somebody sat down, they thought about it, they put it there, and you are wasting your time on it, instead of you to sit down, work out your destiny, do something that other people will come and watch. Instead of you being an expert at spectating. May you not be a spectator in the ocean of life in the name of Jesus. So dreams, very important. Some dreams are clear, some dreams need interpretation. Second is visions. When you talk about visions, there are three kinds of visions. Three kinds of visions. Number 1 is what we call open visions. Open visions like this – that is, you’re not sleeping. Your eyes are opened. You can have a physical visit of an angel, an angel visits you. You can hear, you can touch and feel and clearly see what is happening with your physical senses. You read about that in Acts 10. All this is in the booklet that is in your hand. [You can] see with your physical eyes. Many have seen angels, but the reason you didn’t know it was an angel is because you are expecting a white man, with two wings, tall, dressed in white. No, angels will not appear to you like that. They will appear like you. Whether you recognise them or not, is a problem. If you don’t recognise them, it’s your fault. They do come into our services and sit down. You may actually be sitting next to one without knowing. That’s what you call open visions.

One day at the headquarters many years ago, the service was supposed to start at 5:00. I came it at 5 minutes after 5:00. As I was walking into the church, one man confronted me and said “Dr. Olukoya.” I said, “Yes sir, good evening sir.” He said “Good evening. What time did you say this service will start?” I said, “5 o’clock”. He said, “What’s your time now?” I said, “5 minutes after 5:00”. “Why did you come late?” I said, “I’m sorry”. He said, “Okay, that’s better.” And the man walked away. Now, if you cannot discern, that this person is an angel, if you just say “What!? Who do you think you’re talking to!? I am the General Overseer!” Which general overseer in heaven? There is no ‘general overseer’ in heaven. All the general overseers, R.O.s, superintendents, bishops – they’re all labels on a bottle. When you get to heaven, God will pull off all the labels and everyone will begin to start talking. What they’ve done right, and what they’ve done wrong. So that was an open vision. But because I’ve already been walking with God, I can know that this man who is coming to harass me in my own church, is not a human being. He’s an angel that has come to give me a small test, whether I will pass or fail. So there is open visions. May you have open visions in the name of Jesus.

There are men that have seen angels. A man was driving along the Expressway, and someone stood at the middle of the road drenched in blood. So he stopped the car. He first of all said “What kind of person is this, standing in the middle of the road, not caring whether a vehicle will run him down?” So he said, “Excuse me, but why are you standing in the middle of the road?” He said, “Take you car back 10 miles. There has been an accident. A car is in a ditch. Go there and rescue the baby.” So the man turned the car to go back and rescue the baby. By the time he would look at the side mirror, the fellow had disappeared. He went back and found the car in the ditch, and the baby at the back. The mother was dead. So the person there, he was probably the angel of that baby that asked him to go back and fetch the baby. So that’s open vision. Is this very clear? Am I making sense? Okay. Then the second kind of vision is called spiritual vision. That spiritual vision, you are closing your eyes, but you are seeing with the eyes of the spirit. You still remain conscious of your surroundings, but you are seeing something. If you open your eyes, you may see it or you may not see it again. But you are seeing something in the realm of the spirit, a vision. We call that a vision. It can flash in your eyes. That’s why He says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.” So God is always try to communicate with us, communicate with us, communicate with us, but whether we get it is another problem. Sometimes after something bad has happened, we’ll say “Oh, and something told me not to go there. Something told me not to go there, I don’t know why I went. And I had this thing in my spirit saying ‘don’t go, don’t go’.” That’s the voice of God trying to talk to you. So that is a spiritual vision. You’re not sleeping, you’re closing your eyes or praying,

Number 2: God communicates through what they call visions. And when you talk about visions – you know, the Bible says “Your young men shall see visions.” So if you’re a young man here, you’re supposed to be seeing visions. If you’re not seeing it, something is wrong somewhere. Perhaps if you’re not seeing it, you should drastically reduce the time you spend of Facebook, and spend more time with Jesus, so that you can be more serious with your future. You cannot allow the invention of another man to put your destiny on hold. Because all those things that you’re watching, somebody sat down, they thought about it, they put it there, and you are wasting your time on it, instead of you to sit down, work out your destiny, do something that other people will come and watch. Instead of you being an expert at spectating. May you not be a spectator in the ocean of life in the name of Jesus. So dreams, very important. Some dreams are clear, some dreams need interpretation. Second is visions.

When you talk about visions, there are three kinds of visions. Three kinds of visions. Number 1 is what we call open visions. Open visions like this – that is, you’re not sleeping. Your eyes are opened. You can have a physical visit of an angel, an angel visits you. You can hear, you can touch and feel and clearly see what is happening with your physical senses. You read about that in Acts 10. All this is in the booklet that is in your hand. [You can] see with your physical eyes. Many have seen angels, but the reason you didn’t know it was an angel is because you are expecting a white man, with two wings, tall, dressed in white. No, angels will not appear to you like that. They will appear like you. Whether you recognise them or not, is a problem. If you don’t recognise them, it’s your fault. They do come into our services and sit down. You may actually be sitting next to one without knowing. That’s what you call open visions. One day at the headquarters many years ago, the service was supposed to start at 5:00. I came it at 5 minutes after 5:00. As I was walking into the church, one man confronted me and said “Dr. Olukoya.” I said, “Yes sir, good evening sir.” He said “Good evening. What time did you say this service will start?” I said, “5 o’clock”. He said, “What’s your time now?” I said, “5 minutes after 5:00”. “Why did you come late?” I said, “I’m sorry”. He said, “Okay, that’s better.” And the man walked away. Now, if you cannot discern, that this person is an angel, if you just say “What!? Who do you think you’re talking to!? I am the General Overseer!” Which general overseer in heaven? There is no ‘general overseer’ in heaven. All the general overseers, R.O.s, superintendents, bishops – they’re all labels on a bottle. When you get to heaven, God will pull off all the labels and everyone will begin to start talking. What they’ve done right, and what they’ve done wrong. So that was an open vision. But because I’ve already been walking with God, I can know that this man who is coming to harass me in my own church, is not a human being. He’s an angel that has come to give me a small test, whether I will pass or fail. So there is open visions. May you have open visions in the name of Jesus. There are men that have seen angels. A man was driving along the Expressway, and someone stood at the middle of the road drenched in blood. So he stopped the car. He first of all said “What kind of person is this, standing in the middle of the road, not caring whether a vehicle will run him down?” So he said, “Excuse me, but why are you standing in the middle of the road?” He said, “Take you car back 10 miles. There has been an accident. A car is in a ditch. Go there and rescue the baby.” So the man turned the car to go back and rescue the baby. By the time he would look at the side mirror, the fellow had disappeared. He went back and found the car in the ditch, and the baby at the back. The mother was dead. So the person there, he was probably the angel of that baby that asked him to go back and fetch the baby. So that’s open vision. Is this very clear? Am I making sense? Okay.

Then the second kind of vision is called spiritual vision. That spiritual vision, you are closing your eyes, but you are seeing with the eyes of the spirit. You still remain conscious of your surroundings, but you are seeing something. If you open your eyes, you may see it or you may not see it again. But you are seeing something in the realm of the spirit, a vision. We call that a vision. It can flash in your eyes. That’s why He says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.” So God is always try to communicate with us, communicate with us, communicate with us, but whether we get it is another problem. Sometimes after something bad has happened, we’ll say “Oh, and something told me not to go there. Something told me not to go there, I don’t know why I went. And I had this thing in my spirit saying ‘don’t go, don’t go’.” That’s the voice of God trying to talk to you. So that is a spiritual vision. You’re not sleeping, you’re closing your eyes or praying,

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