For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Job 33:14-15 

When young Joseph had his first dreams in Genesis 37:5-9, he did not realize that something significant had begun in his life –dream revelations—something that would profoundly shape his future and destiny. ‘He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had:  We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.” Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Dreams are signs, please pay attention and do not dismiss them. 

The Power of Dreaming 
Job 33:14-15 explains that a dream is a vision of the night given to man, occurring when deep sleep falls upon them. Everyone has the power to see visions and dream dreams. Any Christian struggling to remember their dreams should pray diligently for God to revive their spiritual awareness. God desires to speak to Christian youths and young adults, wanting to convey many messages. However, they must be connected to God for this to occur. Acts 2:17 confirms this: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” 

Dreams can: 
 Be a revelation of the plans and purposes of God. 

  • Be a foreshadowing of the future.  
  • Bring healing to your personal, physical, and spiritual life. 
  • Be a place of encounter with God. 
  • Have transforming power if we know how to tap into it. 
  • Add to you or subtract from you. 
  • Demote you or promote you. 
  • Turn us away from wrongdoing. 
  • Preserve our lives from the pit. 
  • Have meaning or be meaningless. 
  • Warn, inspire, elevate, demote, provoke, excite, correct, edify, encourage, assure, comfort, or inform. 

Interpreting Dreams 

In Genesis 40:7-8, the prisoners told Joseph, “We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.” Joseph responded, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.” Every Christian youth and young adult should seek to understand the spiritual meaning of their dreams. By interpreting your dreams, you can identify the areas that need focused prayer. Proper interpretation of dreams, guided by the Holy Spirit rather than human wisdom, can reveal deep and hidden truths. This understanding can provide insight into the plans of God or the schemes of the devil, help you master your dreams, boost your spiritual sensitivity, and allow you to identify the true source of your dreams so that you can either nullify or establish them through prayer. 
Some dreams and their interpretations  

  • If you dream of ants or insects all over your body, it means poverty and affliction. 
  • If you dream and see no teeth in your mouth, it means a loss of motivation and a loss of winning spirit. 
  • When you see no hair on your head in the dream, it means loss of glory or glory under attack. 
  • Seeing strange marks all over your body in the dream gives birth to unexplainable hatred and spirit of rejection. 
  • If you find yourself in a long queue and you never get to the front in the dream, it means the spirit of demonic delay. 
  • Crying in the dream, it means an agenda of sorrow is being planted around your life. 
  • Being attacked by dogs or dogs licking your body in the dream, means the enemy is using sexual relationship to harass your life. 
  • If you dream and see yourself walking barefooted, it means the enemy has already stolen your marriage. 
  • If you dream of holding a Bible and the Bible fell, it means backsliding. 
  • Any dream concerning somebody cursing you shows that the devil wants to put you under affliction. 
  • Documents stolen in the dream – the enemy is trying to make those documents useless. 
  • Clothes stolen in the dream – this is an attack on your honor and glory. 
  • Being in darkness in the dream – this represents spiritual blindness. 
  • Wearing a rag in the dream –this is the spirit of poverty and lack. 
  • Being naked in the dream – this is the coming of disgrace and insecurity. 
  • Having sex in the dream – this is a sign that you have a spirit spouse. 
  • Going back to your childhood days in dream, it means the enemy wants to introduce retardation and backwardness into your life. 
  • If you see yourself drinking alcohol in the dream, this represents confusion. 
  • Seeing cobwebs all over the place is a symbol of rejection. It means the enemy is trying to render your life useless. 
  • Seeing skeletons, people dressed in black, or a coffin in the dream – this could mean death in numerous ways: financial, marital, spiritual. It may not mean the person will die physically; these other things may die. 
  • If you dream of angels, this portends success, protection, divine visitation, happiness, and rewarding friendship. The focal point of such a dream is whether it was a good or evil angel. 
  • To dream of ripe apples forecasts well-earned rewards is on the way, open gateway to prosperity, the right time for harvest is now. 
  • To perceive pleasant aroma in the dream forecasts joy, success, and progress in the offing. 
  • To receive or deposit money in the bank in the dream suggests financial favor, money luck, spiritual elevation. 
  • To dream of graduating is a sign of achievement and elevation. The focal point of such a dream is whether you received a degree less than what you physically possess. 
  • To dream of busy and skillful hands forecasts you shall receive well-earned rewards in your current endeavors. 
  • To clean up your room in the dream means divine cleansing. 
  • To dream of police officers guarding you signifies divine security. 

It is recommended to keep a journal to document your dreams to help remember them. Share your dreams with your parents and mature holy spirit filled and led Christians, such as pastors and counselors. Pray about your dreams, confess relevant scriptures, be devoted to fasting, and do not dismiss any dream as unimportant. 


  1. Every satanic dream attached to my progress, die, in the name of Jesus. 
  1. I receive the power to interpret my own dreams, in the name of Jesus. 
  1. O Lord, activate the fruit and the gift of the spirit in my life, in Jesus name. 
  1. Powers inviting me to the grave in my dream, die, in the name of Jesus. 
  1. My Father, my Father, my Father, open my understanding by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

Partly adapted from the sermon The Mystery of Dreams by Dr. Daniel Olukoya, General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide