Mary, who will turn 36 next month, has been married to Dan for 6 years. The last 5 years have been the most miserable of her life. Today, as she sits by the east window of their massive living room, she ponders, “where did I go wrong?” Prophet Moses claimed Dan was her soulmate from God, prophetess Sarah even confirmed it, and Mary’s late mother, whom she fondly remembers, had several dreams of her marrying Dan and living happily ever after.

So, how did she end up here you might ask? Well, like most people, Mary listened to everyone’s voice except God’s.

These questions trouble many individuals in marriage today, highlighting the importance of getting it right before saying “I do”. God assures, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” (Psalm 32:8). This demonstrates God’s desire to guide His children daily and in every aspect of life. So, how can you discern if a man or woman is in alignment with God’s will for you before taking the vows?

Here are some steps to consider

  • Cultivate a genuine relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His Son. This grants you the grace to receive the Holy Spirit (John 14:16; Rom. 8:9-11), who guides and assists every child of God.
  • Align your life and judgments with God’s Word: ask yourself questions such as, “Am I living according to God’s Word?” “Is this person I’m considering for marriage genuinely a follower of Christ?” “Do they live to honor God?” “Will this relationship bring me closer to God?”
  • If you’ve answered “yes” to all these questions, the next step is to seek God’s direction. Express your desire to please Him by following His plan for your life and ask Him to guide you in making the right decision. Continue praying and refrain from initiating courtship or drawing close to the person until you hear a clear message from God (He may communicate through Scripture, dreams, visions, or His audible voice).

Once you have heard clearly from God, discuss your conviction with trusted Christian leaders, such as your pastor, as the Bible advises, “where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14). Maintain a posture of prayer while trusting God to confirm His will for you through them.

It’s essential for you to seek direct guidance from God in all aspects of life because as it’s said, “…his sheep hear his voice” (John 10:27). Don’t place your marital destiny solely on the declarations of a seer or prophet. God’s love for you is profound, and He won’t leave you stumbling in the dark.

1. O Lord make your way plain before my face in Jesus name.
2.  I reject the wrong spouse and I claim the right spouse in Jesus name.
3. Lord, you are the perfect match maker, let my spouse come into my life in Jesus name.
4. Inherited marital problems, be removed from my life in Jesus name.
5. Lord, I believe you have created me for a special man. Call him out of obscurity into my life in Jesus name.