Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, faces unique challenges and fears shaped by their experiences and environment. So, let’s talk about fears. You know, those things that keep you up at night and make your heart race. 

Some of the top fears (based on general research and tends) include doubts about the existence of God, climate change and the environment, gun violence and school safety, mental health and well-being, financial stability and student loan debt, racial and social justice, cyberbullying and online safety, terrorism and global conflicts, access to healthcare and affordable housing, body image and self-acceptance, failure, and uncertainty about the future, as well as drug and alcohol abuse. 

That’s a heavy list. How can we, as a church and Christian community, support and address these fears? Well, we must listen actively, validate their concerns, and create safe spaces for open conversations. Likewise, we must encourage positive actions that foster a culture of empathy, youth inclusivity, and hope. 

As the sun set over the city, a group of Gen Z youth gathered in the church hall. They had been brought together by their pastor, who wanted to have an honest conversation about their fears. At first, the group was hesitant to share. But as the pastor listened intently and without judgment, they began to open up. 

“I’m scared of what’s happening to the planet,” said one young person. “I worry that we’re going to destroy the earth and there will be nothing left for future generations.” “I’m afraid of being rejected or judged by others,” said another. “It feels like everyone is so divided and angry, and I just want to be accepted for who I am.” 

The pastor nodded empathetically, recognizing the weight of these fears. “These are real and valid concerns,” he said. “But as Christians, we know that we have a hope that goes beyond this world. We know that God is always with us, even in the darkest times.” He went on to share some cool Bible stories about people who faced their fears and doubts but had trusted in God and found strength and courage. As Christians, we have hope. God is always with us, even when things seem dark. 

As the evening came to a close, the group felt way more relaxed and supported after that. They knew they weren’t alone in their fears, and that together, they could face them with faith and hope. 

And as they left the church hall, they felt a sense of purpose, knowing that they were part of a larger community that cared about them and wanted to support them on their journey through life. They knew they weren’t alone and could face their fears together with faith and hope. Remember, Gen Z’s fears are interconnected with our collective future. Let’s work together to build a compassionate, supportive community, empowering them to become change-makers and create a brighter tomorrow. 

Pretty cool, right? So, what are some things that make you feel scared or worried? Maybe we can talk about them and find some hope together! Leave a comment. 


  • Father forgive me for exhibiting occasional doubts in Jesus name. 
  • Jesus the burden bearer lift the burdens of my heart in Jesus name. 
  • The strength of Israel uphold me in troubled and confusing times in Jesus name. 
  • The faith that endures possess me in Jesus name. 
  • Holy Spirit divine, answer the questions in my heart and give me peace in Jesus name.