During my return journey from the RESURGENCE youth conference hosted by MFM Mega Region 2 Youth Church USA, as a parent, I delved into this book given to each youth as a complimentary gift and I must say, it is a true treasure. The book is structured into four chapters, aiming to enlighten youths about both the physical and spiritual dimensions of sex. It probes into distinguishing between love and sex, it explores the spiritual, emotional, and medical consequences of premarital intimacy, and, crucially, provides guidance on abstaining from such encounters. Here is my review. 
Sex is not the currency for love 
As I immersed myself into the book, this specific theme deeply resonated with me. Daddy G.O took the opportunity to explain that while sex is a precious gift from God, it remains a sacred mystery meant solely for marriage.  Listen to his perspective: 
Intimacy in sexual relationships often stirs a multitude of emotions, leading to confusion regarding the nature of the relationship. Partners may struggle to discern whether their feelings stem from genuine love or mere infatuation, as the lines become blurred. This uncertainty can cloud their judgment about their future together and the depth of their emotions. Even if they realize their feelings were based on infatuation, the attachment formed through sexual intimacy can make it difficult to end the relationship. Waiting until marriage ensures that both partners are completely certain about their choice of life partner before engaging in sexual activity. Emotions give rise to feelings, and feelings can often be unpredictable and fluctuating. Therefore, relying solely on feelings to make decisions about matters as significant as sex is not advisable. It’s crucial to approach such decisions with careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation. 
True love will wait 
I also found this theme intriguing as he aimed to dismantle preconceptions about the true essence of love. Consider his viewpoint 
Many individuals confuse sex with love, viewing it as the ultimate expression of affection. While this is true, it applies specifically to married couples. Love can be expressed in numerous ways beyond sexual intimacy. Rushing into sex can hinder one’s ability to discern between the two. It’s important to recognize that sex doesn’t inherently cultivate love; rather, it can reinforce existing love within a marital relationship. A partner who genuinely loves you will exhibit patience and understanding, respecting, and honoring the significance of waiting. Choosing to abstain from sex allows partners the opportunity to deepen their understanding of each other and develop strong friendship bonds. Engaging in sexual activity too soon can hinder the cultivation of a genuine friendship. Moreover, sex has addictive qualities and can easily overshadow other aspects of the relationship, potentially becoming its primary focus. 
The Dangers   
Perhaps the most profound eyeopener was the detrimental effects of premarital sex. Daddy G.O provided insight into twenty-four sexually transmitted diseases as well as dissected the emotional and spiritual complications of premarital sex. It is concerning that engaging in premarital or casual sex renders individuals susceptible to spiritual attacks and serves as an entry point for spiritual entanglements with a spirit spouse. Similarly, the aftermath of emotional vulnerability includes issues such as diminished trust, shattered self-esteem, heightened lustful urges, distorted thought patterns, and emotional distress, among other challenges. Take into account his perspective: 
Engaging in premarital sex undermines the essence of courtship. Introducing sex into a relationship automatically complicates matters, as it impedes the process of truly understanding one another and fosters a foundation based more on physical intimacy than genuine personal connection. Sex intertwines the spirits of two individuals. Entangling oneself with another person through sex can result in enduring soul ties and emotional attachments. Should you choose to end the relationship, it may take years to fully sever these connections and break free from the emotional entanglement. In summary, premarital sex is a huge risk. You have been advised. 

Your escape route 
Lastly, for maintaining sexual purity, he concludes the book by offering practical advice. Hear him: 

Adhere to the principle of “hands-off, clothes-on” by refraining from activities like hugging, kissing, or any form of physical intimacy. “Clothes-on” signifies abstaining from sexual intercourse. Additionally, safeguard your mind from impurity by avoiding pornography, sexting, sending nude pictures, and refraining from masturbation. Likewise, steer clear of spending prolonged periods alone together to prevent temptation. To establish a solid foundation for your future marriage, devote ample time to prayer and be committed to seeking a Godly path for your marital journey. 

Below are prayers to support you on your path towards a pure and blissful marital future. 

1. God the perfect matchmaker, lead my divine partner to me in Jesus name. 
2. Destiny diverting sin, clear away from my life in Jesus name. 
3. Holy spirit, build my home according to the scriptures in Jesus name.  
4. All barriers preventing me from meeting my divine partner, be removed in Jesus name. 
5. O Lord, order my steps into marital fulfillment in Jesus name. 
Purchase the book here