Getting ready for a competition, athletes dedicate countless hours to tough training to make sure their bodies and minds are in top shape for the race. Similarly, succeeding in the Christian journey isn’t just about making promises or wishful thinking – it’s about being disciplined. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, compares athletes in a physical race to Christians in a spiritual race. He points out some key differences. While physical races are usually short, the spiritual race lasts a lifetime. Unlike races with limited spots, the Christian race is open to everyone – God invites all who are willing to join. In physical races, people compete for temporary rewards or recognition, but in the Christian journey, the goal is an eternal reward – a life with Christ. While there might be some small achievements along the way, the ultimate prize is spending forever with Jesus in heaven. As it says in 1 Corinthians 9:24, “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run, that ye may obtain”. There’s a fantastic reward waiting for those who successfully complete this spiritual race.

Let’s consider some crucial nuggets for running a successful Christian race.

Get the Right Start
In any physical race, not everyone kicks off on the right foot or manages to finish strong. Some competitors get disqualified due to false starts or cheating. There have been cases where people tried to join in towards the end of a lengthy race, maybe even getting a temporary prize, only to have to give it up when it was revealed they didn’t genuinely complete the entire race. By not following the race rules, they were stripped of their awards. To engage in the Christian journey, you need to start off correctly. The entry point here is salvation – a deep remorse for sin leading to repentance that results in salvation. A clear experience of salvation marks the beginning of participating in the Christian journey. Without this starting point, all efforts by humanity to lead a good or moral life won’t be effective in terms of attaining the spiritual prize.

Be Disciplined
Training for sports often takes a lot of time, sometimes even years. It can be tough, but it pays off if you stay disciplined. The Bible talks about the need for discipline in the race of life, saying in 1 Corinthians 9:25, “Anyone who competes as an athlete is disciplined in everything.” Athletes are disciplined to win a temporary prize that won’t last, like a trophy. Similarly, Christians need to be disciplined as they aim for an eternal reward that lasts forever. This ultimate prize is more valuable than any award you can see – it’s like having your name written in God’s Book of Life!

Stay Focused on the Goal
In a track meet, the person who crosses the red tape at the end of the race is the winner. In a spiritual race, it’s different – the race doesn’t finish for everyone at the same time, but everyone has the chance to be a winner. Winning in this race requires staying focused and practicing self-control. The challenges we face might make us feel tired, but despite it all, as Romans 8:37 says, “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” To overcome challenges, we need to keep our eyes fixed on the ultimate reward.

Finish the Race
In this Christian journey, it’s not about being smart, talented, or quick. It’s about being open to learning, following guidance, and being willing to obey. The reward goes to those who finish the race, not those who somehow fell off the track. Unfortunately, many people who started well didn’t keep going on this Christian path. There will be distractions and challenges, and we don’t know how long our Christian journey will last – we only know where it ends, and we want to be still running when it does.

If you haven’t started in this Christian journey, I encourage you to start today. If you’ve already started, then keep going. If you started but fell off track, get back on your feet – you can still finish well. I hope to see you at the award ceremony stand.